Start your rehabilitation and fitness journey with our
team of Biokineticists or join our fully equipped gym to
meet your fitness needs.

Start your rehabilitation and fitness journey with our team of Biokineticists or join our fully equipped gym to meet your fitness needs.

What we offer

Van Velden Rehabilitation and Gym Centre provides a clean, safe and fully equipped gym for all to join monthly.

Our cardio area includes a variety of cardio machines such as treadmills, rowers, a wave machines, a step machines, watt bikes, etc. A newly built separate studio area for classes is located next to the cardio area.

In our weight area, there are a variety of dumbbells ranging up to 50kg, upper-body and lower-body circuit machines, a one-of-a-kind Smith machine, and a horizontal and angular leg press machine.

The gym offers additional services:

  • Registered Biokineticists
  • Gym fitness and mobility classes
  • Fit 4 Two (Pregnancy classes)

Our team is always willing to assist in achieving your goals!

Registered Biokineticists

Elsa van Velden

Elsa van Velden graduated from North-West University Potchefstroom in 2013. She has special interest in orthopedic rehabilitation. She admires the value of biokinetics in peoples’ everyday life and how it improves their quality of life during daily and sport activities. Her favourite exercise is the leg press machine, and her least favourite is doing clams. When she is not working, you may find her running, baking, kitesurfing, cooking or cycling.

Tanja Grensing

Tanja Grensing graduated from Wits University in 2021. She has special interest in chronic conditions, clinical patients, and women’s health. She wants people to grow physically in love with their body and see how they improve on many levels through movement. Her favourite exercise is calf raises and dislikes push-ups. Her hobbies include running, cycling, cooking and dog training.

Maryke Janse van Rensburg

Maryke Janse van Rensburg graduated from Zululand University in 2022. She has special interest in orthopaedic rehabilitation, as well as sport pre-habilitation and rehabilitation. She loves to see how biokinetics help people move functionally and freely without pain during daily and sporting activities. Any exercise that includes the bosu is her favourite and jumping lunges her least favourite. Her interests outside work is equestrian, running, cycling and hiking.


What Biokineticists do

Rehabilitation & Sport injuries

Orthopaedic rehabilitation

A type of physical therapy for musculoskeletal injuries, surgeries, and conditions to improve strength, range of motion, flexibility, stability and manage pain to improve activities of daily living.

Clinical and chronic condition management

This includes exercising to improve the cardiovascular system, form, function and quality of life of a person who struggles with any clinical or chronic conditions such as cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic diseases.

General fitness

This is a program of exercise and activity to improve overall health, including cardio, strength, flexibility and balance, to help recover from injury or illness and improve daily function.

Sport-specific programs

Following the evaluation and consultation, sport-specific programs are tailored to your sports needs. This will include warm-ups, workouts and stretches for weak and tight muscles to ensure that muscle imbalances are minimal and decrease the risk of injuries.

Pregnancy and pelvic floor

Exercise when pregnant holds many benefits such as increasing energy levels for daily activities, releasing endorphins to reduce pain, decreasing lower back pain, decreasing body weight gain pre-and post-natal, and decreasing the risk of complications at birth.

Vitality assessment

Earn up to 7500 Discovery Vitality points when completing your assessment at our gym. This entails basic fitness and strength tests to allocate points to each member.


Gym Classes

Come and join our group-based classes on:

Monday 18:00-18:45

Aerobic/step/boxing training classes

Tuesday 07:30-08:15


Thursday 18:00-18:45

Bodyweight and resistance training classes

Friday 07:30-08:15


Saturday 09:00-09:45

Mobility and flexibility classes

Mom Fit classes – Fit 4 Two

Healthy Mom = Healthy Baby = Happy Family

Our mom Fitt classes are group session for pre and post natal moms. Biokineticist Tanja leads the individualised classes to the needs of the moms. After a initial consultation, moms can join classes for social support as they grow stronger and healthy during the pregnancy.

Benefits of our MOM FITT class include:

Pre-Natal Benefits:

  • Increased fitness levels and energy for daily activities
  • Increased endurance and ability to endure stress of labour
  • Release of endorphins leads to the prevention of depression, stress & anxiety, and it also leads to reduced perception of pain
  • Increased muscular strength to adapt to postural changes and ability to support the weight of the baby
  • Decreased Lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain and muscle aches & pains
  • Decreased body weight gain and total body fat %
  • Strengthens pelvic floor muscles to reduce incontinence
  • Healthy birthing weight for the baby

Post Natal Benefits:

  • Promotes weight loss and better sleep
  • Increased fitness levels, core strength and energy levels
  • Lowers stress levels
  • Helps with the management & prevention of gestational diabetes

Payment Plans

Day Fee

  • R100


  • R520

3 Months Contract

  • Individual: R435
  • Couples package: R375 per person (total R750)
  • Pensioners/scholars: R395

6 Month Contract

  • Individual: R415
  • Couples package: R342.50 per person (total R685)
  • Pensioners/scholars: R360

12 Month Contract

  • Individual: R365
  • Couples package: R325 per person (total R650)
  • Pensioners/scholars: R340

Vitality Assessment

  • R507.20